I have managed to get out fishing, only couple of times in the last month due mainly to the fact that my wife is expecting our second baby .
So with fishing time at a premium I am trying my best to plan my sessions well to suit the conditions to the fish species and location. But as the saying goes best laid plans etc...
I have been after Perch for the last two trips but with no luck yet , my method so far has consisted of the usual chubber float and lobworm rig. My mate has been fishing the same style recently on a local river and been pulling out some nice fish to 3lb.Unfourtunatly he managed to lose the shots of it from his camera !! (I know what your thinking) but I wouldn't doubt his word for a second and he does have shots of Perch to 2.8lb from the same venue. He is just a bit unlucky with the delete button- unfourtunate schoolboy error's can strike anyone at anytime ! (we've all done that at some point)
We tried a new venue recently, the River Sence near Atherstone (Warks) after hearing reports of fish to 3lb 12oz we thought it was worth a visit. However the afternoon was cold and wet with a strong wind from the west in our faces.
Bites were not very forthcoming and I somehow managed to miss the only real indication my float give. Steve managed a small 6oz Perch from a dying weed bed after trying a few pegs but struggled to hit any other bites. The main difficulty was finding a suitable swim as the was not really adequate depth in the whole stretch. I found about two to two and a half feet and Steve the same. I does look a nice venue though and I think it still warrent another visit at some point this winter - if nothing else to try to tap into the supposed Grayling potential, as that's a species I've never caught yet(or purposly fished for I might add..)
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