I decided to have a go at making my own boilies from scratch and after doing some research on the net I came up with a recipe for some Tuna cat biscuit with halibut and betaine boilies or CTHB for short. I made the base mix using semolina and soya flour. I also went on to make a second batch but added some anchovy essence (naming them CTHB Anchovy).
My CTHB Boilies fresh off the production line
Rolled into different shapes .....for an extra edge ?
Although I have added a few different flavours to the recipe I hope that it will still work well to draw fish to the boilies by combining together to create an attractive fishy flavour/smell.
I arrived at the Trent just as it was getting dark and found it lower than I have ever seen it before. I soon had both rods out with one of each type of boilie on. There were no indications from either rod for the first hour until my second cast on the rod with the CTHB flavour. I had a few inquiring taps first, then the rod finally banged round and a nice 4lb 5oz chub was the result. It proved that they at least work to attract Chub, I just need to get them in front of some feeding barbel now to fully test their potential as a Barbel catcher too! I can't wait for ideal conditions to return... roll on some rain. My first customer at 4lb 5oz
The Anchovy flavour didn't produce any interest this time but I will continue to give it a try over the next few sessions until I can decide if it's a success or not. I don't tend have much joy using shop bought shelf lifes usually revertung quickly back to the humble pellet for any success, and have only tried one packet of frozen lamprey boilies a couple of seasons ago without any success barbel wise. I am looking forward to see if my own boilies will 'cut the mustard' !