Thu 23rd July 2009
I had planned to fish the Dove for an evening session, but the planned stretch was crowded when I got there, well there were two other anglers fishing. As they were both near to the swim I wanted to fish I figured the fish in that area would be getting enough pressure and so decided to go to the Trent instead.
I had planned to fish the Dove for an evening session, but the planned stretch was crowded when I got there, well there were two other anglers fishing. As they were both near to the swim I wanted to fish I figured the fish in that area would be getting enough pressure and so decided to go to the Trent instead.
To my great disappointment I found two other cars in the car park at the Trent ! I ended up in a peg I don't normally fish for barbel but had tried for Perch here in the past. I spoke to one of the other anglers in the next peg who turned out to be from Chelmsley Wood, we spoke about local venues we both fish like the Blythe and the Fazeley canal etc and it appears we have had similar experiences on the Dove so far (i.e. struggled).
Anyway back to the fishing, I fished the usual two rods trying one on meat at first then eventually both an Pellet or Monster Crab Boilie. The left hand rod was the first to produce a bite. After leaving it to develop for a while it finally waggled away suggesting a small chub. I was trying to cast my other rod at the time and had left the baited rig in the water gathering weed. I lifted the fish out to hand as it only seemed like a small chub of a pound or so. I then got the other rod out of the water so I could deal with the Chub. In the darkness it occurred to me that the fishes shape was not right for a chub as its head was too pointed and mouth too small.
PB Roach with me doing a goon impression holding it !!
That's shaped like a Roach I thought, sure enough when I switched on my head torch it was a good Roach. I haven't seen a good roach like this for ages so I was unsure of the size, but was pleased to find it went 1lb 2oz which will be my PB as I haven't recorded one before, and from memory the biggest Roach I have ever weighed before have never pushed the needle past the 1lb mark. So that sets a nice bench mark for a river Roach for me to beat.
There were no more fish caught however I did have a bream late on that slipped the hook just by the net. No Barbel were seen rolling and the river seemed eerily quiet, not a fish surfaced as soon as darkness fell. Also there was no moon if that has anything to do with it I don't know as I don't follow the moon phase theroies.